I’m Looking For Few More SERIOUS People Who Want To Make SERIOUS Money…

If that's you... then i will personally work 1:1 with you for the next 12 months and provide personalized guidance to help you succeed in Affiliate Marketing using an online business I will build for you such that it is 99% automated!

Through the skill set development I will go on and work with you as long as it takes until you reach $10,000 PROFIT per month if that is also your goal!
Let me and my team demonstrate how this can happen for you - simply apply below and answer the questions honestly.)

Step 1: complete the form below to access the demonstration call calendar.

(where we can definitely reach out to you - make sure it is 100% correct)
Please check if the number is 100% correct, because we will contact you there, if you qualify.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

  Step #1: Watch The Video Below:

get REAL results after working with me,
Like so many of my students!

 (Only schedule a call AFTER You've Watched The Entire Video)

Get your hands on the AffiliateWorks system that has helped 456+ affiliates with a done-for-you business that runs on automation, earning them income in their sleep.

Nigel Lavers
Alberta, Canada

Dear future Affiliate Millionaire,

First, let's start with the problems you're facing.

1. You struggle to keep up with the rising cost of living, and know that an automated business that earns you money in your sleep is the biggest stress relief ever! But how do you get your hands on one??

You hear this phrase more often than you like at home, with friends, quietly with family:

"I'd love to do it if we only had the money"

2. You are are chained to routine and stuck for time. Meaning, there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to really learn one of these complicated online business models because there's 25 skills to learn and it gets overwhelming, fast!

But this isn't because you're incapable, instead, it's because most of the time life interrupts you... and it's not like you don't appreciate what you have...

It's that you don't know how to pickup anything else without upsetting those that you love... cuz they depend on you!

Well, you depend on you too! And that's what's got you here!

I know that's the truth because that's how i also realized i needed to get unstuck from my dead-end job and rat-race, corporate lifestyle.

I was scared that next month was the same month I might even lose my position at the deadend job i was at, again!

So how did this come to be?

Today I run a $1M company that generates $50k-$65k per month with 5 awesome staff members.

I was recently sharing the stage with other entrepreneurs discussing the power of Affiliate Marketing at the Red Bull Formula 1, MK-7 center in the UK.

The connections that got me in that room? It started with Tiktok, Facebook, and Instagram - posting viral videos about making money online.

And over the past 2-years i've used those same social media accounts to amass over 700,000 followers and make a regular consistent $50,000/mo.

And today I have students on their way to success too.

And the best part?

-My Instant Virality Formula doesn't require us to have any fancy tech, sales wizardy, or marketing degrees to start.

-Plus, I don't spend a single day cold messaging prospects

-And, I haven't bought any followers or used any paid ads yet.

When I got my first 6-figure student i decided to launch my own coaching program to help others, officially.

Today I helped launch over 456+ students into being well equipped as affiliate marketers in not just making money online, but ultimately any niche they choose.

I've helped students make their first $10k online, their first $10k in a single month, and their first $10k in a single week.

And I'd like to help you get started on this journey too.

Here's how it works:

1st. We're going to help you grow your social media accounts with the right kind of followers. If you can get 20-30 new subscribers to your email list daily due to your viral REELs, you can make $10k a month.

To do that, we'll plug you into the same software that automates emails, give you a 29-day automation sequence, and most importantly, train you to go viral with Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook.

This will include 500+ Faceless Ai scripts for REELs, a Done-For-You vault of 400+ motivational REELs, and full instruction on the use of Ai tools to give you a high quality finished product with every REEL you post, especially if you go the most lucrative way, and show your face.

2nd. We're going to help you grow your character traits to be optimistically persuasive, to shift the beliefs of your prospects, handling their objections in advance, and have them eagerly awaiting your premium affiliate product offers without you having to be an expert in anything.

And this is all thanks to the leveraged credibility I can give you as you'll be co-branded to my 7-figure mentorship.

3rd. We're going to let you leverage my group ecosystem and webinar flywheel so that we can convert sales for you earning you income in your sleep.

This consultative selling process will build bonds of trust, enlightening your prospects to the opportunity so they convert in hours and days, not months.

I personally have invested over $100,000 of my own cash into developing the framework of this program, including the 9-figure mentorship advice that architected it.

So what's next?

To get a clear picture of how my AffiliateWorks done-for-you business can work for you and your business:

Book a 1:1 demonstration call with my team, where we'll diagnose the specific challenges you're facing right now, give you some clear-cut solutions, and decide whether we're in alignment to work together.

This offer will not last long so book your call right away.

And let's get to work~!

I believe you understand that Affiliate Marketing of High Ticket products is the most simple online business model to learn. But getting started without any credibility just isn't fair for the little guy.

That's why I'm confident you'll benefit greatly from this call!

Claim your 1:1 Demonstration Call now.

What you'll get

  • Curriculum Training

Get yourself a complete duplicate of my $50k/mo affiliate marketing business that is ready to go!

Each video in my curriculum that teaches how to use the done-for-you business is about 10-15 minutes long and comes with LIVE examples of implementation.

>> Module 1: The 7-Figure Foundation

>> Module 2: The DFY Business Buildout

>> Module 3: Pathway To Marketing Success
>> Module 4: Virality With Tiktok
>> Module 5: Virality With Instagram
>> Module 6: Virality With Facebook
>> Module 7: Ai Masterclass
>> Module 8: Webinar Flywheel
>> Module 9: Build Your Own Affiliate Funnel
>> Module 10: REELs Creation Workshop
>> Module 11: Virality Coaching Advanced Tactics
>> Module 12: Bonus Page Done-For-You

  • (3) 1:1 Coaching Calls Weekly With Our Team Of AffiliateWorks Experts

I invest in A-players and my team is absolutely obsessed with success, and I mean in every way possible! We make a game out of it and invite you to play~
Here's a sneak peak of how playful we get making life-changing money with the fastest growing industry in the world.

>> 1:1 Onboarding Call (once): Get a personalized welcome to the members of the community where you can find all the connections within the network of already successful affiliates from a 30,000 foot view

>> Monday Account Audit Call (weekly): Get face-to-face feedback on your social media accounts from Nigel to discover all of your growth potential and to learn every up to date piece of advice he's picking up to stay ahead of the algorithms.

>> Thursday Mindset Mastery Call (twice monthly): gain presence and peace of mind through the fundamentals of positivity, well mannered thinking, and the alert novelty of self-awareness practices to help you handle the diversity of people and problems you are offering to solve.

>> Thursdays Virality Coaching (twice monthly): learn to handle the great power of the algorithms with the use of precise decisions when creating REELs. You'll pick and choose the right scripts to use, film an abundance of footage, and pickup a careful rhythm to dive into editing mode with total clarity and utmost confidence you'll finish with a REEL you'll be proud to post.

>> Saturday Webinars For Winners (weekly):

Attend to learn how Nigel crafts and delivers impactful webinars that sell like crazy! This free space is meant for you to invite your leads to learn more too!

Special Bonuses

  • REELs Challenge Cash Giveaway

When students vote for each other, they are creating memorable experiences that turn into sales! Your vibe attracts your tribe, and so if you've never done any REELs creation before then you'll learn the instant virality formula in a safe space with other supportive students.

Daily audits from certified coaches will show you that practice makes perfect! And when the votes are cast by the students, not the staff, a total of $1150 is available for giveaway!

Students will judge each other based on:

i. how consistent they post
ii. how improved they are in posting

iii. how viral their REELs get when posting

  • Pathway To Success $10,000 Cash Dividend

So long as you are making sales you'll know that the super affiliates do it in a way that generates a rhythm, a routine, a sense of balance amidst the unlimited potential of the internet for an incomprehensible amount of traffic.

When super affiliates take measured steps with just the next 5-sales, it's inevitable that at first, it's 5 sales a month, then 5-sales a week, then 5-sales a day... and so on.

This foundational structure is provided for with the exclusive affiliate program of AffiliateWorks! All students are give an affiliate link to use.

With every 5-sales a bonus $1000 is paid out on top of commissions up to $10,000!

Claim your 1:1 Demonstration Call Now, and get your hands on a complete duplicate of the $50,000/mo business of AffiliateWorks so you can use the Instant Virality Formula to scale to $10,000 a month in the next 65-90 days.

© 2023 Nigel Lavers - Copyright© 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Legal & Disclaimers:
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
*Earnings and income representations made by Nigel lavers, are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results
This is not a get rich quick program nor do we believe in overnight success. We believe in hard work, integrity and developing your skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with any of our products or services, or the products and services we recommend. The average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results. Any references or examples used within this page, or by someone on this page or video, are real and documented but are used strictly for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE ANY PRODUCTS FROM US.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of "Nigel's Students" products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.